Saturday, May 24, 2014

Paleo Week 1: Days 7, 8, 9, and 10

Congratulations on making it past week one! 

This has been a tough road with a couple of speed bumps, but we made it! I don't own a scale (for many, many reasons) so I don't know if I've lost any pounds, but I feel so much better. My clothes fit better too. I hope you all are doing well too! And remember: it's ok to slip up and eat something non-Paleo. Just regroup, get your focus back, and begin again. Only four more days before we reach the two week mark and the end of grains being in our systems!



Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Paleo Week 1: Days 5 and 6

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things


IT'S ALMOST BEEN A WEEK!! I already feel so much better both physically and mentally. I can think more clearly and my body isn't bloated from the grains. Food fills me up for longer periods of time because what I'm eating is what my body needs without the filler nonsense, aka grains. Cheers to everyone who made it with me! WELL DONE! I'm definitely still feeling cravings, especially when I walked by a pizza place during lunch break. But my will is strong and my want for a better "me" is greater than my desire for bread.

In 8 more days, my body will officially be grain-free as it takes two weeks to completely leave the body.

Keep up the good work and hang in there! You can do this!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Paleo Week 1: Days 2, 3, and 4

Ohhhh the cravings!


Or pizza, or tacos, or cake, or the cupcakes still sitting in my fridge. I've been doing very well and haven't had a slip-up... yet. Grain withdrawal is challenging and the cravings are intense. Thank goodness we have plenty of cheese (lacto-Paleo), nuts, meat, and honey. But, for some reason, I can't seem to throw away these adorable mini-cupcakes sitting in my fridge that I see every time I open the door. I know what they'll do to my body if I eat them, so why can't I throw them away? I don't want to eat them; I don't want to feel sick in the morning like I always do when I consume grains. But this craving for sugar and grains is so "in my head" that I can't throw something away that I have no intentions of eating.

I experienced this issue last time I went on the Paleo journey, so I know it will get easier. But right now, all I can think about is eating cake. So I'm going to stay focused on the goal and keep my mind off the cupcakes as much as possible. I hope those of you on this journey with me will stay strong too! But, if you do "slip up", don't worry. Just accept it for what it is and start again, continuously reminding yourself that this journey is all about giving your body what it needs to function at it's best.

Cheers and luck,


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Paleo Week 1: Day 1 - I'm BACK!


I am excited to be back after a loooong hiatus. My family and I have had some huge life changes that, well, changed our lives. These changes presented some challenges that pushed us off course from our healthy, simple, clean living. Unfortunately, we stopped eating pro-Paleo foods and started eating a lot of take-away. We stopped making our own soap and bought pre-made soaps, shampoos, etc from big shopping marts. We even stopped focusing on our goal to limit consumerism. But now we are trying to get back to our center where we were happier.

For some of you who have been following my blog, you know that grains and I do NOT get along. They make me bloated, forgetful, depressed, irritated, tired... the list goes on and on. Since October we have been consuming grains on a daily basis. I gained all the weight I lost back and then some. My fitness level hasn't changed, but my diet sure has and that made all the difference. In fact, I would say that my fitness level is higher now that I walk a couple of miles per day.

In any case, we are trying to get back to our best and today was DAY ONE WITHOUT ANY GRAINS and ZERO sugars, other than raw honey!! Anyone who has given up grains knows that this is a huge feat. Grains are addictive and they activate the same sensor responses as recreational drugs. For more information on the effects of grains on a person's body, see my blog post HERE.

So, if anyone is ready to do this with me, PLEASE know you have a buddy to "stand" by your side! I will be here to encourage you every step of the way! We have 30 more days to go and two weeks before the grains we ate yesterday are out of our system. If you want to join us, please comment below!

Wishing you clean, healthy, simple, better living
