Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Big Changes

I would like to apologize for not updating this blog for a few months. My family and I have had some really big changes in our personal and professional lives which has taken my full attention. We moved into a new house several hours away from our previous home and have some plans to further our education. Both of which took a lot of planning and created a lot of stress. I will do my best to update the blog a few more times this year, then will probably only post once every month or every other month once January gets here. My husband and I will be returning to college full time, so between raising our daughter, writing papers, and taking exams, I am not certain of the amount of time I will have left to devote to this. There are a lot of things we're changing to make things more simple, so I will be sure to share those tips and experiences with you!

Please continue to check back as I do plan on writing a new post soon!



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